What Are the Benefits of Using Probiotic Supplements in Your Diet?

Is Yogurt Keto-friendly? Many people ask this question when they are planning to start using the probiotic supplement that is called FOS. FOS is derived from lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria that is naturally found in the vagina of the human body. Lactobacillus acidophilus is an organism that is friendly to the gastrointestinal tract.

The natural properties of yogurt naturally make it a friendly replacement for dairy products especially those with carbohydrates. So what makes yogurt so good for people who are trying to lose weight? Lactobacilli is a group of microorganisms that exist in the digestive tract of the human body. The term probiotics actually derives from the word ”probiotics” which means healthy bacteria. It was around for over 4,000 years ago and has since established itself as an intestinal Replanter and a powerful repleniller of the intestines and good microorganisms. If you take a spoonful of yogurt regularly, it is like taking a dose of good probiotics every day.

Most people are surprised to hear that there is some carbohydrate in yogurt but it is just the lactose or the sugar that is the source of the problem. The simple sugars in dairy products such as cream cheese or ice cream are digested quickly by the bloodstream before being eliminated as waste while in the colon where the friendly bacteria would keep them for a longer period of time before being eliminated as waste. But in case there is sugar in the yogurt, it can be fermented and that process releases the sugar into the digestive tract where it is used by the friendly bacteria.

Since a high percentage of people have a difficult time eliminating too much sugar in their diet, most opt for the low-glycemic index (low GI) diabetic friendly products which are low in added sugars. Low GI means it contains lesser amounts of sugar which cause the blood sugar to stay at a normal level. Yogurt is very good for diabetic individuals because it is one of those healthy low GI products with added sugar that can help you control your blood sugar levels. In addition, yogurt keto diet will help you prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia because it will provide the body with the much needed fuel.

Aside from diabetes and hypoglycemia, the benefits of this diet include boosting your immunity to illnesses like the flu and colds, lowering cholesterol, increasing stamina and sexual function and lowering bad cholesterol. So not only does it help in weight loss, it also benefits your health. If you are a vegetarian, you don’t have to give up eating yogurt. You can eat plain yogurt with fruit filling or go for the sugar-free varieties. Just be sure to read the labels on how the product is processed to be sure that it is actually healthy for you.

For those who want to take full-fat or low-fat versions of the same product, there are actually two kinds to choose from: non-fat and fat-free. When it comes to choosing probiotic pills, it is advisable to use products that are fat-free and low-glycemic because the latter kind contains sugar which will spike your blood sugar levels and the former kind of dairy products is made of live cultures that will help your digestion. However, it is important to note that if you do suffer from digestion problems such as acid reflux or heartburn, then it is best to take the high-glucose variety since it is designed for people with such medical conditions.

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